Yassa Tofu

Vegan version of the Senegalese dish

Yassa is one of the most popular dishes in Senegal. It is an incredibly flavored sauce made with caramelized onions and lemon (and/or mustard). For today’s recipe, we are taking a vegan twist on this Senegalese classic and replacing chicken with tofu. Recipe is adapted from The Canadian African and serves 3.


  • 3 large onions sliced

  • 1 extra firm tofu cut strips, about 16 chunks in total

  • 3 cloves of garlic crushed

  • 2 tbsp yellow mustard

  • Juice from one medium lemon

  • 1/2 tsp black pepper

  • 1/2 tsp red chili flakes

  • 1 veggie bouillon powder cube = 2 tsp of bouillon powder

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 1/3 scotch bonnet pepper (or less – scotch bonnet peppers are very spicy!)

  • 1/2 cup water

  • salt (1/4 tsp)

  • vegetable oil


  1. Slice the tofu into sticks or cubes, whatever you prefer.

  2. In a bowl, combine the mustard, lemon juice, garlic, black pepper, chili flakes and veggie bouillon powder to make the marinade.

  3. Add in the tofu and mix well, then let it sit for 20 minutes.

  4. In a pot at medium heat add the onions and 1 tbsp of oil. Cover the pot and let it sit for 35 minutes. This slowly caramelizes the onions. After 20 minutes, if you are noticing that the onions are steaming rather than turning brown, partially cover the pot to allow the moisture to evaporate and let the onion caramelize.

  5. After the time has elapsed, heat up a pan with enough oil to coat the pan.

  6. Sear the tofu and crisp up each side.

  7. Once you have fried all the tofu, place all the tofu in the pot of onion. Add the rest of the marinade left over as well as 1/2 cup of water, the bay leaf and scotch bonnet pepper.

  8. Partially cover the pot and let the sauce cook for about 15 minutes on medium-low heat.

  9. Once the time has elapsed, the sauce should be ready.

  10. Serve with rice or couscous. Enjoy!

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